There are literally millions of websites online and each one is attempting to gain that all important link through “how to get more people to visit your website.” The issue is that a lot of the strategies we’ve learned about work for some people, but not for others. In order to get your website in front of the masses, you need to know what works for you. If you don’t have any idea of how to do this, here’s what you can do:
Do a search on Google or Yahoo! and find out what other websites are linking to yours. A lot of the time, you can use this information to improve yours. Don’t worry if you can’t find them all – at least you’ll be able to tell which sites are doing well and which aren’t.
Check out forums. There are always lively conversations going on about any given subject. If you have the opportunity, see what people are saying about your site. It’s always a good idea to take some of their suggestions when it comes to improving your link building strategy.
Join discussion forums. Link building is a subjective thing. Some people may think that a certain link works better than others. You never know what the ‘go-to’ link is for some people. Try and see what other people are linking to when they come across a particular topic or website.
Consider using an article directory. Article directories allow you to submit content for free. If you’re creative and can come up with content for your site, this is one way to get your site noticed by the masses. Just make sure that the content is related to the site and keyword-rich, as well.
Trade links with sites similar to yours. Look around on the internet for sites that have things in common with your site. For example, if you own a site about homes for sale, look for homes for sale websites. If you’re selling a product about dog training, find another site with the same general topic. Exchange links with them to establish a mutually beneficial relationship.
Try and get listed in directories. The most popular search engines, like Google, keep track of the most frequently visited websites. They also keep track of the number of page views each one gets. By getting listed in these directories, you can dramatically increase the amount of people that come to your site – all without spending money!
If none of these strategies work, then it might be time to hire a webmaster to create your site for you. Just remember, you’re not getting rich. It’s just a way to make your site more noticeable so that you can increase your conversion rate. Once you start getting more visitors, you’ll see the benefits in terms of conversions!
Another strategy on how to get more people to visit your website is by writing articles. You can start by submitting your articles to free article directories. After you submit a few articles, people may start to notice your site. Soon enough, they’ll be looking for more content to read. In turn, you can monetize your site with affiliate products or sign up for Google AdSense.
Finally, a well-written press release can help you get more people to visit your website. Simply write up a brief story about your products or services and send it to local newspapers and TV news shows. If your press release is published online, it will be posted all over the Internet, thus bringing more people to your site!
You can learn other ways on how to get more traffic to your site by reading eBooks. An eBook can get your website crawled by search engines quickly. The trick is to choose an eBook that’s right for your target audience. Go through each book and pick out three or four books that are applicable to your site. Then distribute them to the bookstores!
Finally, you can try to participate in forum discussions. Visit popular discussion boards such as Yahoo! Answers. Post relevant questions regarding your niche. Be sure to leave links to your site within the forum signature.